Friday, August 29, 2014

Five Things for Friday

1.  Back to School Party
We are part of a homeschool group that does joint activities and gets group rates for field trips.  We had a Back-to-School party last Friday at a park that has a creek!  E and J spent the entire time in the water, and even explored and found some rocks to climb, a trench "90-feet-deep!" according to E, and a waterfall.  Unfortunately, said waterfall was so far downstream that they couldn't hear me calling when it was time to go.  I finally asked another child who was headed down there to tell them to come back now.  When they got back, E says, "Is it time for snacks?"  No, dear, ...the snacks were almost all gone, as many people had left already!  There was a bit of a warm discussion on the way home about how we shouldn't go so far for so long even if other kids are doing it, and what to do if the water is deeper than J, and what to do if you hear your mom even faintly calling. ...  I would have gone after them if either I didn't have T, or my arm wasn't sprained.  The two together made me wary of climbing down the steep bank.  At least they stayed together. ...

2.  Wa-wa-waffle king...
Waffle House brunch with Grandma and Grandpa.  They didn't have a table big enough for all of us, so we split up.  I think fun was had all-around.  :)  The staff was extremely friendly, and the waitresses made a big deal of my kids.  I think E and J both got chocolate chip waffles and bacon.  :)  T had some scrambled eggs and hash browns.

3.  J's Favorite spot at the Library
The library has several iPads for kids to play on (and others for older kids), as well as computers.  This is J's favorite spot once he has picked out books.  His favorite game?  He calls it:  "Angry Birds in Out-the Space."  The kids checked out a bunch of books on snakes recently, and now I know the dangerous indigenous ones (cottonmouths, copperheads).  I also read that a girl was bit by a cottonmouth at a park we play at frequently (granted, it was on the nature trail - and we usually stay on the playground area).  Now I feel like I'm constantly on the lookout.

4.  Speech Therapy
I made an appointment to have J screened for speech therapy.  He has a partial tongue-tie (like his uncle and grandma), and has difficulty making an "r" sound.  My favorite example is the word "girl" which approximates to "goy-oo."  The results?  He is still within normal development for his age - no speech therapy for him unless this persists to age 8.  The speech pathologist also gave me some ideas with how to work with him and letter exercises for his tongue and jaw.  So at least there's that.  He is a good reader, and his speech has improved a lot recently from our reading "lessons."

5.  Animation Exhibit
We went to the McWane center on Wednesday, to see the Animation Exhibit one more time before it's dismantled and a new one put up.  One of the activities has several cameras positioned in front of a circular wall to get a 3-D view of an instant in time.  The Bullet effect.  After the cameras take some pictures, you come out of the set and watch yourself on the tv screen - so if you can see it, E is holding J on the screen there.

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