Friday, September 12, 2014

Five Things for Friday

1.  Seminary
I forgot to mention that Benji got a new calling last month - to be a stake seminary teacher.  It is a stake calling because the classes are usually split by high schools, not by wards, so there is some overlap between wards.  Since a high councilman set up the meeting to extend the calling, we went through the stake callings directory to speculate what it might be.  We had decided it must be the stake young men's presidency, since there was an opening.  Surprise!  Seminary Teacher!!  Oh - and by the way, it had started the preceding week!  Be there at 6am tomorrow for a week of observation!  It was very unexpected, but not completely unwelcome.  Our family has gone through an adjustment to accommodate the requirements for the calling.  The biggest thing is bedtime.  The kids are ready for bed around 8pm.  On school nights, Benji usually has his light out around 9pm.  We have been getting up earlier.  It's kind of funny - Benji admitted to me that he had been praying for better scripture studying.  I confessed I had been praying to wake up earlier - have I mentioned that I've always wanted to be a morning person?  Well, we each have the opportunities now!  I am really excited for Benji's calling.  I am trying not to feel a little left out, in fact.  I'm attempting to keep up with the lessons.  I did get to substitute for him the other day when he had to work late, and get a taste for it.  Fun times.  T woke up almost right after I left ... so I'm not sure how worthwhile it was.  T was back asleep by the time I got home, though.

 2.  Little Samurais
We went to a Samurai exhibit at the Birmingham Museum of Art.  Nice museum, by the way - actually fairly kid-friendly!  This was one of our field trips with our field trip group.  We split into groups of about 11 (Benji came too - that was fun), and went on guided tours.  Our tour guide was extremely patient with the children - a grandma.  E told her she liked her necklace, and she said it belonged to her great-grandma!  I think E was the oldest one in our group, and she was able to ask and answer a lot of questions and make comments.  She did so very appropriately, with raising her hand, and patiently waiting.  She had a lot of excitement.  Before we went on the tour, I had the kids practice "soldier arms."  J did so well with not being able to touch things! Here, the kids are trying on a samurai costume.  It's a little big, but a cute photo op.  That is J's "attack" pose.

3.  Freedom in the parked car
If you ever wondered what T would do if he got to roam loose in the car ... well, first, he sat in E's seat and viewed the world from there.  Second, he sat in J's seat and viewed the world from there.  Third, he sat in the driver's seat, and viewed the world from there.  Ever learning, ever experiencing, that one.

4.  Zoo School Part 2
E's turn to explore the zoo with Mom and T, while J attended a fun explorer class at the zoo.  She makes a good lion!

5.  Raindrop Plop
I recently bought the children raincoats (for all 3), and boots and umbrellas (just for the older two).  They are so proud of their new gear.  They've already broken both umbrellas.  At first, I tried to counsel them to stop playing with them, to hang them on the hooks by the back door.  Don't do that; it might break.  Then, I decided it was futile, and it didn't matter if they broke them, because it wasn't like I had to buy them new ones.  Ay caramba.  Maybe they will learn a lesson.  So today (Friday), we had our first big downpour since they got their raingear.  Actually, two big downpours.  They were so DELIGHTED to go splashing outside and down the street.  E says they pretended our driveway was a river.  They even filled their boots with water with all the splashing.  So ... I'm not sure how effective the gear is ... but it was worth it just to see their delight.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Five Things for Friday

1.  Road Trip for Campers
On Labor Day, we had lunch with Grandma & Grandpa, and then we all piled into Grandpa's car for a road trip to Georgia to check out a camper/trailer they were considering buying.  T got tired along the way, and because he could see me (Benji & I were sitting on either side of him), he was a little fussier than he would have otherwise been.  Still, I like this smile, where he's managing a smile for his momma, even though what he really wanted was cuddles and milk.  Oh, by the way, this boy has bottom molars!  So, currently 10 teeth.

2.  Paper Airplanes
On Tuesday, E decided that they could make some extra money by selling paper airplanes.  She started by making one in every color of construction paper.  Then, she checked out books about making paper airplanes from the library.  We have made every kind in the first book!  The kids are having so much fun with this ... shall I say, "unit study."  No further plans on the selling front, but I've enjoyed watching their creativity and play at work.  Of course, now there are paper airplanes all over the house.  They have flown from standing on top of the table, and from sending them down the stairs.  They have played games where they try to hit each other, or see whose can go farther, or which type plane goes farther.

3.  Tacky
Yes, I showed my children the video to one of Weird Al's latest parodies, "Tacky" (view here).  (Also showed them "Foil" (here) which they've almost memorized - or at least they've memorized the line "In case an alien is inclined/ To probe your butt or read your mind."  I've heard that one more than I care).  E asked what "tacky" means, and explaining, that it has two meanings - first, it can mean clothes that are very bright and/or don't look well together and second, it can mean people who do things without thinking of others' feelings or whether it's appropriate.  Then, E & J decided to make a game out of it, by taking turns finding the tackiest outfits, and posing for the camera.  :)

4.  Zoo School
We enjoyed our first visit to the Birmingham Zoo!  E participated in a day at "Homeschool Academy" and the boys and I began exploring the zoo.  One of the fun things at the zoo is that there is a flock of guineas that roam free.  T also got a chance to get out of the stroller, and enjoyed playing and walking through the Primates building (air conditioned - perhaps my favorite exhibit).

5.  Gymnastics
We decided to enroll E & J in gymnastics again this year.  We found a gym that is offering classes for homeschoolers - so we can add it to our daytime schedule, and don't have to drive during rush hour (it's that bad).  The kids both seemed to really enjoy it so far.  I had a good feeling when talking to the staff over the phone.  Yay for another physical outlet!  :)  In case you can't tell, E is flipping on the bar in the top picture, and J is skipping.  The picture quality isn't great from the observation room.  With gymnastics, I think we've finished all the regular, scheduled activities we are going to do this year (some zoo, some science center, some state park, and various field trips).  I think it will be a good balance of being home and being about.