Friday, July 4, 2014

5 for the Fourth of July

1.  First, Buying the Fireworks
Benji had a lot of fun picking out fireworks to shoot off for the 4th.

2.  More Birthday Celebrating
We got an ice cream cake to celebrate T a second time, with Grandma & Grandpa.  T is our only summer baby, after all!

3.  Playing Together
It is always special to me to see these brothers playing together.  I can't say it happens often, but I know it will happen more and more often as T gets older.  T got the vehicle on the right for a birthday present from Grandma & Grandpa.  All the kids enjoy playing with it.  The main floor of our house is like a square with a room in each corner, with the stairs in the center.  J goes around and around the loop as fast as he can!

4.  Hair chalk
E begged and begged for some hair chalk one day.  When she offered her own money, I agreed to pay an additional $3 to cover it.  Then once home, she and I were both a bit disappointed in the chalk.  It is not very easy to apply, and it is very subtle, unless you spend a long time putting a ton of chalk on your hair.  She was sick last Sunday, and the above is one of things she did while I was at church.  She did it all herself, too.  She was ready to wash it off almost immediately, so I snapped a quick picture, first.

5.  Sparkler Fun
My phone doesn't take great pictures in the dark, so this will have to do.  We picnicked with Grandma & Grandpa then visited until dark.  The sparklers were fun, and then when it got darker, Benji directed the fireworks display.  No hazards, even though one strand of firecrackers fizzled out before it was done, and Benji lit it again with very little fuse.  T watched the festivities, but was pretty sleepy by this point.

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